Saturday, November 1, 2008

Think again my frend!!

It is time to AWAKEN from SLEEP!

I hope this website is found to be useful.If you are a first time visitor to this website and are also unfamiliar with the subject matter presented then the concept that there is a purposeful drive by a powerful world elite who are working behind the scenes of world events to instill a One World Totalitarian Socialist Government will most probably seem like foolishness. If you hold this view I would encourage you to do some research of your own to see if any of the information I present on this web site is in fact true. Please let go of any bias or opinions and read the following and honestly think about it. As you read through the following please take your time and think carefully on every topic I present. The following is a very brief summary of what is actually really going on in the world and why it is happening. Everything I have written here I have crossed checked and confirmed from multiple sources including primary sources to ensure accuracy. It is not my intention to mislead anyone. It is also not my intention to convince anyone but merely to open the door and present the path, it is up to each individual person to come to the truth as they may see it.I firmly believe that if we are to be completely honest with ourselves especially in spirit and are willing to view what we see around us with an open but critical mind then we will all find ourselves on common ground with the common truth. Remember there is only one truth, as the truth is truth, yet there are many lies.Before we begin here are a few key words keep in mind as you read the following two pages.Keywords:- apathy, indifference, selfishness, ignorance, self-deception, denial, treason, and foolishness."Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same." Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1"The unaware are unaware that they are unaware." Merril M.E. Jenkins Sr
Do Conspiracies Exist?
The world view promoted through education, media and generally in every day of life is one that denies the reality of conspiracies. The vast majority of people in the world do not believe in conspiracies. A dictionary will define a conspiracy as the act of two or more people coming together to plot to do something that is illegal. The truth is the world is full of conspiracy. If there was no such thing as conspiracies governments would not need Intelligence Agencies, which they themselves, sit behind closed doors and secretly plot on how to infiltrate another government illegally to gather intelligence they have no legal right to obtain. Those people who reject conspiracies as real just have not thought the issue through, or they simply don't want to believe that there are people in the world who plot the enslavement or destruction of others. If this is your belief I ask you where did Communism come from? How did Hitler rise to power?In fact conspiracies are part of every day life. People conspire with work associates to get a better position over someone else. Politicians conspire all the time to win public favour and also for their own personal gain. Many events which happened let's say 20 years ago are being exposed such as the government sponsored human radiation experiments in the USA. The CIA MK Ultra mind control program which was exposed in the late 1970's is another example of a cabal of people conspiring in secret to implement an agenda which the public would not approve. Plots and actions are exposed all the time. Conspiracies are a fact of life.Conspiracies exist all over the place. The question is not if conspiracies exist, for if they did not, we would not have that word in the dictionary. The question becomes, is there such a thing as a conspiracy to control the entire world and enslave the people in a fuedalistic and socialistic order? Also if there is in fact such a thing is it provable? Well the answer to both questions is a resounding YES!
Views of History
There are two basic views of history. One we can term the 'Accidental View of History'. This view is the view which the majority of people believe in. This view pertains to the notion that events in history basically occur by accident and are merely the results of the conditions existing at the time. Events just occur and there is no real meaning to them. This is the view of the world we are presented with everyday by the news media, educational institutions and claimed experts. The 'Accidental View of History' is simply the accepted world view.The other view of history can be termed as the 'Conspiracy View of History' This is the cause and effect view of history. This view holds that major events in history are the result of careful planning and that these events are carried out with a desired goal in mind. Also events which arise which are not preplanned are manipulated to bring about a desireable result. This view of history is ridiculed and its exponents are portrayed as paranoid and delusional individuals.Now I will make an interesting statement. Those who view the events of the past as an accident are people who have never questioned the events deeply that go on around them while those who accept the conspiracy view of history as fact are those who have taken the time to carefully study it. For I absolutely guarantee you that if you take the time to carefully examine the evidence for the conspiratorial view of history with an open mind you will be quite amazed and most probably quite shocked with regrads to the amount of evidence which exists and also to the implications which surround the topic.
Conspiracy View Debunked
How is the evidence of the conspiracy view of history refuted? Well to answer this question, the evidence simply isn't discussed for much of the evidence speaks for itself and cannot be refuted.There are the occasional attempts to refute various areas of the view but none of them really hold much ground when closely examined. Even though many are quite convincing for people unfamiliar with the subject. For example go take a look at this website- Website of Edward Flaherty, Ph.D. is by far the best conspiracy refution I know that exists on the internet. He has some very well written articles which deal with the United States Federal Reserve system.Many books have been written which explain how the Federal Reserve Banking system actually works and also how the money system for the entire world works. This information awakens many people because it is so easy to explain and demonstrate how people have been decieved. The articles on the Edward Flaherty website refute accurately some of the points a few 'selected' authors, who have written on the Federal Reserve, have made. The articles in particular point out errors regarding 'auditing' and 'money payed to the treasury' which the authors in question do not mention. What the articles claim is in fact true. But the truth is that these articles have been written in such a way so that the reader will see the obvious errors in the 'selected' authors books and thus the reader, who is unfamiliar with the subject, will immediately go on to believe that ALL writers on similar subjects are just as in error. This is a very interesting and effectual conditioning technique which is used widely and many fall for it. The author of these refutations never addresses the issue that the money system is a debt money system (and the debt is owed to private interests), that the money is created out of nothing and that the interest was never created and thus comes out of something of real value. The author also never makes mention that the money being payed back to the treasury is in fact fiat money itself and is not really worth anything. This is why we must be able to read and THINK about what we are reading. Also we MUST do OUR OWN research to verify truth and expose deception. To many people go about their actions blindly and just accept what they are told by 'experts.'.The major method employed to debunk those who believe in the conspiracy view of history is to attack the messenger so as to avoid an intelligent discussion of the message. It is interesting to note that the exact same techniques are used by the proponents of evolutionary theory when their theory is questioned.A good example of this method would be the militia movement in the United States. In the United States, state militia's have been forming all across the nation. The militia movement claims that the government is becoming socialistic and that the freedoms of the American people are in danger. The militia movement also speak of the loss of United States sovereignty to the United Nations and many also claim that it is all part of an intentional plan to bring about a world government. The mass media and the government has labelled these state militia's as domestic terrorists, right wing extremists, anti-government, paranoids, and a general threat to freedom. The Alfred P. Murrah building bombing in Oklahoma City was blamed upon militia groups by the media even though Timothy McVeigh had been disavowed by the militia movement because of his views. The militia's had nothing whatsoever to do with the Oklahoma bombing yet the media gives the impression that they did. A careful study of ALL the evidence in regards to this tragedy clearly indicates that the Federal Government instituted a coverup and that the involvement of Timothy McVeigh was created in order to cover the real motive of the bombing.Now if you will pay attention to what the various militia groups are actually saying you will notice that their views are never discussed in detail, EVER! The messenger has been attacked in order to avoid an intelligent discussion of the message.A regulated state militia is protected by the United States Constitution. A state militia is LEGAL. State militia's have been involved throughout the history of the United States and they have fought and preserved freedom. George Washington was a member of the militia. Ask yourself, why are these militia's forming? Why are these people concerned? Are any of the claims of the militia movement actually true? Is the United States heading into a world government where rights are not protected? Well view some of the primary documentation on my website for an answer to these questions. The problem today is the average person does not think for themselves or question what they are told and thus are very susceptible to mental programming. The fact is most people today are brainwashed.Another method to debunk these 'crazy conspiratorialists' is to throw them in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups. So they are black labelled by association.Now how is it possible to bring in a totalitarian socialist world government without the people realising? To understand this you NEED to be informed in two critical areas which play an important role. These areas are, 1. Mind Control and 2. The Monetary System. An understanding of both of these is very important and I will briefly discuss both below. I encourage you to do your own research into these areas as what I have put together here is only a very brief summary. Follow up study is essential to gain a proper understanding of how the present world system and current world events are being manipulated so as to bring us all into the pre-planned one world government system.
Mind Control Techniques
Mind control techniques are being used throughout society to an amazing degree and these techniques are very successful. So very few people are aware of this. I guarantee that if this is a new concept to you then you are being controlled. Please don't be offended by this statement as I too was once brainwashed and completely ignorant of this subject matter and thus lived in a fantasy land. Yet I awakened, and so can you! Mind control is merely the influence and control of the way and of what you THINK.The main method mind control is achieved is by the control of the information you recieve. By limiting the information you recieve this in turn limits the thoughts that you will usually think about. Your choices are limited in other words. The novel 1984 explained this quite well in the appendix entitled 'The Principles of Newspeak.' Many people read books like this and yet do not realise that such literature was written as a warning to people.People are also kept occupied (busy) with side issues of no real importance. People will speak out about particular issues and injustices but because they do not see the whole scenario all their efforts are in vain. This is happening right now in Australia with the grassroots opposition to globalism through the supporters of One Nation (a new political party). Many of these people are doing an honourable thing yet they do not understand the true principles which are driving the globalist agenda. The republic issue in Australia is also another distraction being used to keep people busy. If the average person was made aware of the current United Nations legislation and understood the true scale of what is going on they would clearly see how they are being led around the paddock chasing their tails.I liken it to people trying to save the branches on a tree while another group of people are directly attacking the trunk. When the tree falls all the branches will go with it.Conflicting words and confused meanings of words is another technique used in mind control. A good example of the manipulation of words and their meanings is the use of the word 'democracy' to describe the American form of government. The President of the United States and the media always refer to the U.S.A. as a democracy. The United States Constitution states emphatically that the U.S.A. is a Constitutional Republic and this is very different than a democracy. The use of the word democracy by the media has led to a high percentage of the population to falsely believe that the United States is a democracy. Also many people believe that a democracy and a constitutional republic are the same thing. Let me tell you right now that in REALITY the United States is currently a member state of a United Nations World Government, this is because the United Nations Charter is the supreme law of the land. You will find an article on my website which proves this beyond any doubt. I would encourage you to look this up, and remember don't believe anything I am telling you unless you check it out for yourself. People are decieved right now because they follow without ever questioning what they are told. You must do further follow up research on the issues discussed on this website.Did you know the following was quoted by V.I. Lenin, "democracy is indispensible to socialism." Whoever can best work the mob can achieve their own ends. Crisis creation (see below) also plays a primary role in this area.The word 'democracy' is in reality newspeak for 'socialism.'Politicians always talk about debt and taxes. They know that people will vote for the candidate that will make things cost less for them. Those in power know how we think. People are to worried about money and they forget about 'little' issues like freedom. Adolf Hitler did exactly the same thing. In fact much of what he did is happening all over again. I recommend you study Hitler's methods. He was a master propagandist. If you do this you will see the same methods being used thorughout society.The television has been the most successful medium ever used in the history of the world to manipulate people. The news bulletins put a spin on the stories presented which suits those who are in control. Television series and movies are used to condition people to view the world in a way depicted in the film or to prepare the population for upcoming events so that they will react in a desirable way. It is apparent that when outside information contradicts the television world view the outside information is usually rejected in favour of the 'accepted' world view by most people. The control of mass media has led to a highly suggestable population.How is the media controlled? Most of the media is owned by a few corporations and the slant presented must fall in line with the corporation policy. Also many of these corporations are in debt to International Financiers and thus are kept in check by these interests so as to keep the money flowing. The borrower is always a slave to the lender, remember that. Also just about all of the high profile names in the media are members of the various known globalist think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations.Next time you are watching the 6pm news, change stations and you will notice that every station has the same headlines and furthermore they also all present the same slant or viewpoint on each particular story. Many events occur in the world every day, why is it that the same few stories are covered on each network? If there was real competition in the media and a free press the slant and stories would not be the same. Also if the television news bulletins were not intentional propaganda the issues I discuss on this website would be mentioned.Few people realise that the flickering of the television screen induces a mild hypnotic state where the process of critical thinking is impaired. This is the reason many television commercials have flashing lights and lots of quick movement. In this hypnotic state the mind is more suggestable and liable to mental programming. Many scientific studies have proven this as fact, yet by simply observing someone who is engrossed in a television show you will clearly see this altered state of mind.Short news bulletins and commercials have conditioned people to learn in sound bites. People have been programmed to have short attention spans and thus they tend not to delve into topics which take time and effort to digest.With regards to the television you watch, my advice is for you to turn it off. The television corrupts and manipulates your thinking and judgement. The television is also desensitising the world to what is coming. Now you may well be thinking all I have said so far is nonsense but I would just ask you to consider these things. Go and do some research on these issues and educate yourself, and stop blindly believing what you are told. Hopefully you will begin to reconsider things in a new light.The scientific establishment even uses mind control techniques and I am sure you find this hard to believe. Take note next time you read a scientific journal that practically everything is written in 'positive language.' Positive language is where a discovery is stated as a 'matter of fact' when the discovery may be based on certain unprovable assumptions which were taken on to work a theory.To understand this you must understand that many scientific discoveries are speculation based on a theory, and this theory is also speculation. A theory is proposed to explain a particular observable effect or effects. Now there may be many different speculative theories which would lead to the same observable effects. By the use of positive language the reader is left with the impression that other theories do not exist and also with the impression that the theory described is an indisputable fact. This violates the scientific process and a comparison with the science of a hundred years ago and the way discoveries were worded is very revealing indeed. The present method is employed to limit your choice of ideas to that of what is currently accepted by the establishment. This is mind control.Mind control in reality is not the mind control depicted in many films. It is totally different than many people realise. I cannot put enough emphasis on the study of mind control and propaganda techniques. When you understand how mind control and propaganda work you will be able to resist the effects. If you do not take the time to learn these things you will continue to be led like a sheep (a sheople).Now the mind control techniques I have discussed above is only one section of the subject. I have not touched on the physical aspects which have been propogated through government programs. Details of these programs have been exposed in the past and are in the public domain. Some of the material will literally make you sick. By physical aspects I mean by the use of drugs, electro-magnetic waves amd neuro-implants. The reality of what goes on in this world is so vastly different to that of what most people can even imagine.Also so far from what I can gather but I cannot easily document the UFO movement has been heavily influenced by mind control techniques on the unwitting followers. The similarities between those who have undergone mind control experiments and what is claimed by those who claim to being abducted by extra-terrestrials is startling. The Report From Iron Mountain specifically outlined an external alien manufactured threat as an alternative to war in order to get the people of the world to willingly give up their freedom. Quotes like the following also give validity towards this view with regards to the part that UFO's will play in the future."Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all the peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing that every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderbergers group, May 21, 1992- Evian, France.
The educational system is heavily responsible for the shaping of people's world view. We all go through school and are presented with certain 'facts' and are also presented with an accepted world view. If we dispute or question these 'facts' we will suffer in our grades, thus without us realising we are being manipulated into a 'correct' thinking pattern.Much of history has been rewritten. No longer are children being taught where freedom comes from, what it cost and how it was established. Children are simply taught that democracy is freedom. The young generation is extremely ignorant of documents which guarentee freedom such as the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. People know the names of these documents but they do not know what is actually in them or the principles they expound.The fact today is that schools, universities and other educational institutions are vast indoctrination centers which are churning out people who are unquestioning as to the reality they have been presented and are also highly suggestable as in regards to their acceptance of the mainstream outlets of information. This is a sad scenario indeed. Now you may not like to hear these things but the evidence leads to this conclusion.Also one point I have noticed which I find interesting is that the more formal education an individual aquires the less open minded and questioning they become. Personally I believe this is so because people wish to feel secure with regards to their present position in society. When these people are presented with an alternative world view they immediately dismiss it as false without even examining the evidence and thinking about it. An alternative view of the world is a threat to these people as it immediately puts their life and position in question and people just want to feel comfortable. Also these people have invested significant amounts of money, time and effort to gain their qualification and the last thing they want to be confronted with is a reality which will interfere with their plans. This also applies to those with a high standing in life. To be open minded and willing to challenge what one believes can entail massive implications especially in regards to this particular subject of the New World Order. It changed basically every aspect of my life, these issues caused me to step back and reconsider my life and completely alter my direction.An important aspect which the current educational institutions do not teach is that of the process defined as 'critical thinking.' Critical thinking is a process of thinking that someone will undertake when presented with information, no matter what the source, they take in the information and then think about it in a critical way before accepting it as fact. Critical thinking is basically just questioning information instead of blindly accepting information. Today the majority of people blindy accept most of what they are told by so called 'experts' and they never even question what they are told, this can be termed as the 'authority syndrome.'Now in saying all this I am not trying to devalue the education system as many important and helpful things are learned in universities, technical colleges and schools. Most of the things taught in the various educational institutions are beneficial. The problem lies in the fact that much of the information taught is biased towards a world view which is simply not true and also people are manipulated so as to never question what they have been taught. Also there is much information which simply is not taught.Educational institutions are funded heavily by many foundations such as the Rockerfeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. The foundations have heavy influence on the subject matter taught, the bias put forth, and many other areas through grants to textbook departments and other areas. Government funding also serves the same purpose. This is why one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto was a state controlled public education system. By teaching socialist ideals to the fresh young minds of a nations youth ensures a compliant and supportive population once the system is implemented. The people enduring the system will actually believe that the system is of benefit to them.

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